AdSense Revenue Calculator
Estimate your potential AdSense revenue based on your site's page views, CTR, and CPC.
Estimated Monthly Revenue
How to Use This Tool
- Enter Monthly Page Views: Input the number of page views your website receives in a month.
- Enter Click-Through Rate (CTR): Provide the CTR percentage (for example, 1.5 for 1.5%).
- Enter Cost Per Click (CPC): Enter the average cost per click in USD.
- Calculate Revenue: Click on the "Calculate Revenue" button, and the estimated revenue will display below based on the values you entered.
Features of the Tool
- Intuitive Design: Clean, minimalistic design for easy usability.
- Dynamic Calculation: Updates estimated revenue based on user input.
- Responsive Layout: Fits various screen sizes, suitable for mobile and desktop.
- Error Handling: Alerts users if they don’t fill in all fields.